Finance Reporting Tool

A tool for a German DAX company that is used internal for analyzing sales training courses and alumnis taking them.

Automated Invoice System

An automated invoice system for a medium sized European company. Which is sending invoices to customers without human intervention often with large money figures.

PCH Big Data

A full blown Big Data system for a medium sized German online service provider. This project collects, aggregates and prepares the companies Data that is generated by their users on the website to make more preciece business decisions.


A chip that reads data via infra read from an electricity meter and logs it to a database. This data is then compared with data collected by other systems and acted upon in a fully automated fashion. Used by several smaller house renting companies.

Garage Gate

Apps for iOS and Android as well as the code that runs on the chip that makes the magic happen. This project is aimed to let you open up to four garage gates with your Smartphone or Watch. This system is usually bought by individuals.

Educational Test Software

A flexible tool for a small educational partner that allows them to run tests very quickly and with little resources. It has helped them reduce the costs to run tests.

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